About Us

We are Your Neighborhood Nurses. We are Tim and Jess, owners of T & J Customs We are two happily married ER / Level 1 Trauma Nurses with 5 kids, 1 grandchild and an awesome dog named Duke. We love making memories as a family and with friends in the outdoors. We love going on random adventures, hanging out at the lake, camping, and going to the dunes. Our passion is helping the community and being patient advocates.
We each have over 20 years of experience in emergency medicine. Tim worked a 20+ year career as a Captain Paramedic fireman and Jess was a Flight Paramedic on a Helicopter. After Tim retired from the fire department we went to Nursing school together. After we graduated Nursing school together Tim started his nursing career as Neuro ICU Nurse at St. Josephs Hospital Jess started her Nursing career as a High Risk Labor and Delivery Nurse at St. Joesphs Hospital. We missed emergency medicine and working side by side so we went back to our roots and spent the last 4 years working together as Level 1 trauma/ ER Nurses and have traveled across the country working as Travel Nurses together.
During our service as Paramedics in the field and working as ER Nurses at multiple large Level 1 Trauma Hospitals across the country and smaller community based hospitals, our eyes have opened. It is our humble observation that our community deserves more options and a more educated approach to their healthcare needs.
We believe our patients matter and are not just a number. We want our patients to feel valued, heard, and compassionately cared for by highly experienced Nurses in an environment that is comfortable and convenient. It is our goal to get you back to making memories in doing whatever it is you love to do.
Our 20+ years of experience also taught us that sometimes people need help getting the care or resources they need due to not having family or friends in town. There are also times people do have amazing family and friends in town who wish they could help but may not know how to help or are unable to get away from work or prior commitments. We want to become a link in that care for families and patients. We promise to provide the best quality of care in a relaxing environment.
Here we go on another adventure together providing customized healthcare to our community as T & J Customs LLC, Your Neighborhood Nurses. It takes a village and we are happy to help with your healthcare needs. We are starting our services in Arizona as IV Therapy and Mobile Concierge business. Our promise is to truly be present for our clients. This will be a fluid experience and changing to meet the needs of our clients as we grow and develop together in all 50 states..
Give us a call and we will work together to see what services our Top notch staff of Nurses can provide for you and your family. Feel free to call or email us. We are happy to help you any way we can and we hope you have a great day!
Thank you for taking the time to listen to our story. We look forward to listening to your story!
Tim and Jess
Let’s Work Together
Mailing Address:
T & J Customs LLC
2733 N. Power Rd.,STE 102, PMB 473
Mesa, AZ 85215-1683
E-Mail: info@yourneighborhoodnurses.com